
High precision and low power consumption digital temperature sensor chip with I2C injection--JHM3012

JHM3012 is a high precision and low power digital temperature sensor chip with I2C interface,which can provide 24-bit A/D conversion temperature results.

JHM3012 is a low-power high-resolution digital temperature sensor IC that communicates via I2C interface. It consists of a temperature sensor, an ADC and a digital signal processing unit. It features high temperature accuracy (±0.2℃ between 0℃ to 50℃) and high resolution (down to 0.003℃). It can operate within the supply voltage of 1.8V to 3.6V with a typical average current 4.7μA.

JHM3012 is an easy to integrate and use solution, featuring a factory calibrated sensor, integrated linearization, ideal for PT100 RTD replacement. The devices are available in 6-pin DFN footprint.


  • ±0.2℃(max)from 0℃to 50℃

  • ±0.5℃(max)from -20℃to 85℃

  • ±1.0℃(max)from -40℃to 125℃

  • Operating temperature range:-40℃to 125℃

  • Low power consumption :4.7μA、1Hz conversion;100nA sleep current

  • Power supply voltage range:1.8V to 3.6V

  • 24 bit resolution:0.003℃/LSB

  • Settable I2C address、I2C interface、RTD substitute



  • Electronic thermometer

  • Wireless environment sensor

  • Thermostat

  • Automobile test equipment

  • Wearable fitness&activity monitor

  • Cold chain asset tracking

  • Gas meters and calorimeters

  • Temperature transmitter

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